Integrity Ensemble

Your fee includes costume rental, venue rental, teacher fees, and rehearsal fees. Ensemble teaches young people how to be responsible pre-professional dancers. We train them not only in technique, but also how to conduct themselves in class and rehearsal and how to properly prepare themselves for class, rehearsal and performance. We emphasize a respectful environment with a family atmosphere.
Requirements to be in Ensemble
- 10 years or older
- must take 2 ballet classes (Elementary 1 or higher) and 1 modern class
- must pass Littlest Angel audition process
- must attend ensemble classes as required by rehearsal schedule
- must know your part names and look at the schedule weekly for rehearsals
- must practice at home
- only 2 excused absences for Littlest Angel, notification by e-mail must be given 2 weeks in advance to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Fee of $350 for entire year of participation